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When students have a voice and choice they thought of solutions that would stretch outside of the school walls or physical building.  Many students succeeded our expectations.

Critical Thinking

Students were challenged when coming up with solutions and ways to drive their purpose by reaching an authentic audience.  Throughout the process they were challenged with difficult decisions. 


Students created real products with a real purpose that will be shared with a real audience.  This motivated them to be more innovative then they would typically be for a school project.  


Students decided what they wanted to research and learn about.  Next, they reflected upon what they learned and then they were tasked with sharing their learning and the process publicly.


In real-life people face challenges regularly and need to learn to persevere through them to succeed.    Throughout the process, the students made mistakes and faced many challenges.  This project forced them to problem solve and overcome the obstacles.  Some of the challenges they encountered happened while they were learning how to use a new technological platform to share their reflections, inquiring how to create a product to bring awareness to their issue or solve their selected problem, creating a prototype, identifying the cost to implement their project, and researching how to get their project funded.  Each time they faced a problem they attempted to solve it independently and if they were unsuccessful they could call a critical thinking conference to get support.

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